” Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now. “
– Alan Lakein
If you're living in Bendigo, Will Appointments are now available this October. Click here to book in Bendigo
28 November 2023
A good estate plan can give you the peace-of-mind to live on with the knowledge that your wishes and assets are passed on in a way that benefits the person who relies on you.
Estate planning is a way of making sure your assets and belongings are passed onto your beneficiaries in the best way possible.
Estate planning laws are becoming increasingly complex. It is important that you obtain legal and financial advice to make sure you get the most benefit for either for yourself or, a person with disability that your are responsible for and any other beneficiaries.
Most people working in this area will recommend a tax and means-tested pension planning as a part of your estate plan. They will also look at how you can get the most use and enjoyment of your assets whilst you are alive, whilst still providing for your beneficiaries after you die.
If your beneficiaries are young, for example, under 14 years of age, each will need support from an appointed adult. However if your other beneficiaries are adults and financially independent, you may want to leave more of your estate to the person with disability. Make sure you talk to all your beneficiaries about what you want to do.
Thinking about these issues will help you decide how you want to leave your estate to the person with disability.
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